Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The E-Word

Howdy Y'all,

There is a word out there that people cringe at. Not even the most fowled-mouth, sailor-swearing person dares to speak it. It may bring about a number of emotions; including anger, fear, confusion, etc. This word and all its social, political and spiritual implications will turn your life upside down. If you say this word you may lose friends, or at least they won't look at you the same again. This word will challenge you like you have never been challenged. If understood it will make your life feel void, you will never look at people or God the same. Are you ready to hear it? If not, you may want to do some serious praying before continuing.

If you've gotten to this point then you're willing to take the risk of reading the rest of this note. Before we get to 'the E-Word' I will give you some background to my thinking that has occurred the past week. I recently attended the Cru Denver Christmas Conference (DCC). It was my second year going and it held up to last year. Both times I have been challenged to grow in my faith. Last year this inspired my FB note entitled 'Surrender' (feel free to read it if you like or are challenged by this note). The gist of that note was, as the title suggests, the idea of surrendering parts of my life to God. The bottom line being that I was afraid to surrender parts of my life to God including school, friends, future. Since writing that note I've tried to tack on work, leadership and crushes. My conclusion for my lack of surrender was fear, which is ultimately what I took out of this years' DCC.

The fear was the same, stemming from pride, shame, etc. However, this year it manifested itself in a different form. I suppose now is a good time to unveil 'the E-word' I alluded to in the opening paragraph. The word is Evangelism. Some of you may snicker at this thinking that the opening paragraph is incorrect or wrong, but let me continue. First think of the last time you heard this word in conversation, then think of the last time you heard it at church. To be honest I don't think I have ever heard this word said at my church. It always seems to be downplayed, brushed aside or ignored. Even among my Christian friends I rarely hear this word, sometimes I'll hear the occasional, 'let's go sharing,' but isn't evangelism so much more than that?

Here's the kicker, when is the last time you went and evangelized to someone? This is the thought that got me. There I sat, a bible study leader with Cru, and I couldn't remember the last time I actually took the time out of my schedule to share the faith with someone, much less bring someone to know their Savior Jesus Christ. Throughout the conference I was convicted of this time and time again, but one of the lines that got me was, "how much must you really hate someone to believe in eternity and heaven and hell, and not share it with them?" I found myself often using the excuse that 'they are too far for me to save' or even 'I don't think they deserve to be saved' (Both of which were points of conviction this week). How much must I hate them to know the 'secret' to eternal salvation and not tell them? Why should they burn in hell because I was too lazy to tell them?

The main point that I kept thinking was 'I'm not good enough.' I wondered how God could ever use an average person like me in His plan. One speaker talked over Romans 1. How God has a use for "both Greeks and non-Greeks, both wise and foolish. That is why I am so eager to preach the gospel" (14-15). God has a use for the wise, but he also has a use for the fool. He has a use for the great, but he also has a use for the average.

I decided that it was time to get real. I talked with a friend and I asked him to hold me accountable to sharing the gospel weekly. I found out that he was convicted in the same way I was. The conversation ended with both of us taking a pledge to take one of our lunches together and go evangelize. I was also moved to strongly consider doing missions next summer. Did you know that there are about 3 billion people who have not been reached by the gospel? That's almost half of the worlds population!!!! I am strongly considering going to Athens, Greece or India where the Christian population is less than 1% in both cases.

My hunch is that most of you are like me. We don't share the Gospel because we are too afraid or too lazy or too (fill in the blank). Whatever your reason, I pray that you will be moved to tell someone about your savior Jesus Christ. No I take that back, I pray that you will be moved to make evangelism a central part of your life. Not something that waits for summer projects or bible camp or 'when I'm older' or (fill in the blank). If you need someone to hold you accountable or evangelize with you, please contact me. I would love to have a reason to overcome my laziness and fear and share the gospel.

Live for Him,


1 comment:

  1. More power to you for holding yourself accountable to evangelize.
